Communication Network - Nº21 - page 42

Remains committed
to sustainability
as a distinguishing seal
FCC Construcción’s commitment to sus-
tainability is reflected in the leadership of
the company in these types of task groups
and international forums. This drive is bac-
ked by the importance that the environ-
ment has in the company’s management:
it is not in vain that FCC Construcción was
the first construction company that publis-
hed an Environmental Report, an initiative
promoted by its major shareholder who
in 2013 was awarded the Environmental
Merit Medal by the Minister of Agriculture
and the Environment. Despite the not too
favourable scenario, one of FCC’s most
solid commitments is to play an active role
in multiple task groups to develop these
standards necessary for sustainable de-
velopment, highlighting its leading role in
international scenarios such as ISO as
well as CEN, establishing the basis, the
definition and intelligence of sustainability
within the framework of the infrastructu-
res. Participating in drafting the protocols
to measure waste and preparing a joint
sustainability declaration is to the benefit
of our current and future clients and, most
importantly, enables us to set ourselves
apart from the rest and to offer greater va-
The Minister of Business of Wales,
Lesley Griffiths,
the Wrexham Recycling Park
As part of a visit to several projects, Les-
ley Griffiths, the Welsh Minister of Busi-
ness, and other local authorities visited
the Wrexham Recycling Park where
they were able to confirm the evolution
and implementation of the recycling fa-
cilities for recycling waste in this region.
A concession by the City Council of
Wrexham, the FCC Environment Re-
cycling Park is contributing to reducing
the city’s carbon footprint and is gene-
rating savings by encouraging recycling
and reducing the volume of waste that
ends up in landfill sites. The centre has
recycling facilities for materials and a
transfer station, as well as a classroom
where schoolchildren are taught the im-
portance of recycling.
Besides the existing plant, another me-
chanical biological treatment plant will
be built to recover non-recyclable ma-
terial to produce fuel. The MBT plant
will start operations next summer after
being granted the necessary urban per-
The Minister’s
“The wide variety of projects I
have seen today are examples of
the excellent work Wrexham Bo-
rough Council is doing and clearly
demonstrates the benefits of pu-
blic services, the private sector
and Local Authorities working to-
gether. I am proud Welsh Govern-
ment funding is helping to support
these initiatives”, the minister said
during her visit.
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