Communication Network - Nº21 - page 43

FCC Construcción:
The ENCORD and CEN task groups
on lnnovation and the Environment
The Las Tablas headquarters hosted the
meetings last October of the ENCORD (Eu-
ropean Network Construction Companies
for Research and Development) and the
CEN (European Committee for Standardiza-
tion), task groups on Sustainability, Innova-
tion, and the Environment. Both are asso-
ciations of major European countries and
stakeholders which are united to provide
innovative solutions and promote the sustai-
nable growth of the sector in Europe.
FCC Construction’s Quality, Environment,
and CSR Department was, jointly with the
R+D+i Department, the sponsor and host of
these annual meetings which aim to share
proposals and the progress achieved by the
different task groups in this respect.
ENCORD: The International
Sustainability and Environment
Working Group
Twenty experts from 15 companies in the
European construction sector met at Las
Tablas on 1 October. These companies
included Balfour Beatty, Vinci, Skanska,
Bilfinger Berger which met to discuss is-
sues relating to the measurement of water
resources, the impact on biodiversity, the
selection of non-hazardous materials, the
assessment of sustainability in civil pro-
jects, and to encourage more active par-
ticipation in the Carbon Disclosure Project.
The actual impact on the sector of this
task group is of this working group in the
reflected in results as relevant as the de-
velopment of a protocol to measure CO2,
adapted to the industry and compatible
with the GHG Protocol standards (Green-
house Gas Protocol).
CEN: The European Sustainable
Construction Task Group
The CEN/TC 350 Task Group on “Sustai-
nable Construction” met on 7 and 8 Octo-
ber. These meeting, held each year, is par-
ticularly important for the members of the
European Committee since it reviews and
prepares the Work Plan and the standards
or specifications to be developed by the
various task groups comprising the com-
Antonio Burgueño Muñoz, director of Qua-
lity and CSR at FCC Construction was the
coordinator of the CEN/TC350/WG6 de
“Sustainability in Civil Works” task group
and in charge of heading the meeting
which, under his point of view, “was essen-
tial for all agents interested in standardising
sustainability in buildings and civil works,
laying the groundwork for defining the ap-
proaches to be employed to assess the
sustainable performance of what we build”.
Two meetings, one objective
s o c i a l
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