Communication Network - Nº21 - page 50

By Dr.
Silvia Montes Fernández
FCC Medical Services
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are those
affecting the circulatory system and the
heart. These diseases in Spain are the first
cause of death, even more than cancer.
There are several types of CVDs: high blood
pressure, coronary disease, valve disease,
strokes, etc. Within this group, coronary di-
sease (ischemic heart disease – IHD) is the
leading cause of cardiovascular mortality
and, as part of this disease, acute myocar-
dial infarction.
Healthy lifestyle habits and controlling risk
factors make it possible to significantly re-
duce the rates of cardiovascular diseases in
healthy individuals as well as of those who
have suffered a previous episode.
Among the most relevant risk factors, we
would mention:
High cholesterol levels.
One of the
main coronary risk factors is related
to the alteration of the metabolism of
lipids with the subsequent increase
in the blood and deposit in the blood
vessels. This risk can be reduced
considerably by monitoring our cho-
lesterol levels periodically. Total cho-
lesterol should be less than 200mg/dl
with LDL cholesterol at less than 100
mg/dl and HDL cholesterol above 40
mg/dl. Although food is, as we will see
later on, the main factor for controlling
these levels, we should also bear in
mind that some congenital diseases
increase abnormal increases in the
plasma at an early age which accele-
rates the appearance of arteriosclero-
sis and, accordingly, CVD. Therefore,
it is important to start monitoring the-
se levels at infancy and adolescence.
High blood pressure.
It is an asymp-
tomatic disease that makes the heart
work harder and which can result in
serious complications if not treated on
time. It is, however, easy to detect.
Blood pressure has two components: sys-
tolic and diastolic. It can be classified as
less than 120/80 mmHg
less than 130/85 mmHg
130-139/85-89 mmHg
more than 140/90mmHg.
Controlling obesity, salt intake and modera-
te exercise, as we will stress further down,
are the most appropriate measures to pre-
vent this risk.
According to the WHO, to-
bacco is the first cause of this disease
worldwide and is directly related to
many diseases, such as cancer, pul-
monary and cardiac diseases. Of the
total deaths attributed to heart disea-
se, 29% are caused by smoking. The
action mechanism is multiple: sharply
reduces the concentration of oxygen
in the blood, reduces HDL-Col, vaso-
constriction, etc.
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