Communication Network - Nº21 - page 56

Year 2012. Energy lighting services
contract put out to tender
After analysing the different alternatives; in-
vestment with own capital was not viable
and renting with a financial entity had been
ruled out, it was decided to contract the
supply of energy services and the lighting
network maintenance through an Energy
Services Company (ESC).
With the help of the Provincial Council of
Barcelona and its ELENA program, the ten-
der specifications were drafted between
May and September of 2012 which was
finally published in October to launch the
tender process.
The contract award was decided in De-
cember 2012, hiring FCC for the manage-
ment of the comprehensive lighting service.
The other particularly important parameters
outlined in the contract were:
No subrogation of personnel on the
part of the company awarded the
The installation of a telecontrol sys-
tem at each of the control panels.
A clear definition of the minimum light
levels throughout the term of the con-
tract. Map of lamps, Permanent ener-
gy audit.
A specific definition of operation
schemes, schedules, and deadlines
for the repair of failures. ,
60,000 € to be invested in improving
the control panels.
Energy efficiency was encouraged,
equally dividing (50% the City Council
/50% the contractor) the profits provi-
ded that the performance and service
levels were maintained. provided that
the services and the service levels
were maintained.
An external quality control service
would be hired to assess the quality
of the services, performance, equip-
ment and materials.
Year 2013. Execution. Implementa-
tion of measurements.
Initially, the foreseen execution period for
upgrading the installations (P4) was 6
months under the terms and conditions of
the Agreement, with the deadline set at 5
August 2013. This objective was achieved,
being one of the few Energy Services con-
tracts that complied with the specified exe-
cution period.
FCC had to perform another complete audit
of the network to submit proposals for ad-
justing the installed power. In order to carry
this out, it counted with the experience of a
Applied technology
It is essential for FCC to use leading
brand equipment even though the initial
cost may be higher, since this will en-
sure the success of the contract. FCC
must be responsible for the compre-
hensive long-term management of the
Equipment used:
Double-level electronic ballasts at
2,359 points of light.
Harvard SmartNight model. Con-
sumption reduced by 30% during a
6-hour period.
2.359 metal halide lamps with cera-
mic arc tube, 50/70/100/150 w.
General Electric Constant Color
Streetwise. Ra70 i 3000º K model.
929 new BASIC and IDEA, Salvi
brand lamps.
140 LED 15 w lamps, LSL model,
Grah brand.
280 MASTER LED GA110 by Philips
24 w tubes.
Installation of the Energest telemana-
gement system.
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