Communication Network - Nº21 - page 57

Installed power was reduced from 614,640 w
to slightly more than 200,000 w.
The installed power/point of light ratio fell from
190w/point of light in 2011 to the current ratio
of 65w/point.
Energy consumption of the installation drop-
ped 60%.
Lighting services have improved considerably.
More light, better illuminance, more standard,
and better colour rendition.
The cost of the service was down 25% versus
There’s still a lot to be done.
From a technical perspective, the viability of an ope-
ration such as this one mainly depends on how much
room there is for improving efficiency. In Santa Susan-
na, the installed power/point of light ratio was 190w/
point of light. To be considered efficient, the ratio of
an installation should be close 100 w/point of light.
Accordingly, the ESC formula would be the most at-
tractive one for cities or towns which have a large pre-
sence of mercury-vapour lamps at their installations.
The technical quality of the preliminary work, the au-
dit and tender specifications, are essential for ensu-
ring the viability of the operation. Risk increases or
diminishes on whether or not there are subrogated
A contract based on improved energy efficiency does
not solve everything.
There is still a lot that has to be done!
leading engineering firm in the sector which
also collaborated in the following steps:
Selecting the most appropriate lumi-
naries and lamps.
Performing more than 40 lighting stu-
dies to determine the power that was
to be installed.
Performing four tests by replacing the
existing equipment and the lamps
that were to be kept, taking lighting
measurements before and after these
Determining each f the specific power
of more than 3,200 points of light.
Verifying the technology of the tele-
control system at each control panel.
After this necessary preliminary phase for
carrying out the work and thanks to the co-
llaboration of the City Council and its exten-
sive work the execution of the project was
completed within the foreseen term.
Improved lighting service
c/Pirineus - BEFORE
c/Pirineus - AFTER
Improved lighting with much less power
Decreased consumption
Consumption fell from 12,000 before the upgrading to 5,000
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