Communication Network - Nº21 - page 52

On the radio …
FCC and its excellent work
in preventing occupational hazards
The space in the radio show “Hoy por Hoy”
known as “Prevención en las Ondas” in
Channel 100 Madrid north, sponsored by
the Technical Office for the Prevention of
Occupational Hazards of the Business As-
sociation of Alcobendas (AICA) dedicated a
section to FCC as a multinational Spanish
company that has a leadership positioning
when it comes to Occupational Safety and
During the program, Juan Carlos Sáez de
Rus, Corporate Director of Occupational
Safety, Health, and Welfare, described the
The future
of a company is having
personnel that are well
prepared, motivated and
Safety, health,
and welfare at a
company are
important for its
personnel, families, and
for the company’s
competitiveness, and
structure and management of FCC’s pre-
vention services, considered an advanced
service, with shared prevention resources,
thereby specialising management of these
activities. FCC also counts on the essential
support of senior management and of its
the Board of Directors thanks to a safety
and health policy for the entire organiza-
tion that bolster the company’s “Zero Ac-
cidents” objective, a not-too-distant goal,
with the rate of accidents dropping almost
40% over the past five years.
During the radio show, the three most im-
portant programs implemented and being
developed at FCC were discussed:
The campaign: “At my job, prevention
IS worthwhile. Certainly YES”, with a
positive message for participating in
the safety and health objective.
The Strategic Road Safety Plan and
the Company’s commitment to so-
cial, labour, and economic mobility
and the fight against traffic accidents.
The “Healthy Company” initiative,
stressing that we are the first Spa-
nish Company (FCC Medio Ambiente
in Tarragona) which through various
programs, in addition to preventing
occupational hazards, encourages
healthy lifestyles in terms of food,
physical exercise, taking care of our
hearts and backs, and by promoting
healthy habits.
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