Communication Network - Nº21 - page 55

k n o w l e d g e
this analysis, the City Council requested the
assistance of the Provincial Council of Bar-
celona to help them draft a Lighting Master
Plan which was drafted between 2010 and
The Master Plan included a complete in-
ventory of the existing lighting network,
with geo-referenced maps, identifying all of
the points of lighting, the power, brand and
model of the lamps and masts. It identified
the control panels, the power contracted,
and its deficiencies.
In addition to this documentation, which did
not exist up until then, the information pro-
vided made it possible to obtain data that
underscored the inefficiency of the installa-
When the inventory was drawn up, there
were 2,700 points of light of which 81% of
the fixtures, representing 90% of the insta-
lled power, were mercury-vapour lamps.
The Master Plan identified 39 control pa-
nels, analysed their characteristics, protec-
tion mechanisms, installed and contracted
power, overall condition and deficiencies.
Of the 10 control panels with flow regula-
tors, only two were functioning.
The Master Plan offered another level of
consistent information for analysing the net-
work, studying the levels of light, and com-
pliance with the provisions of Act 6/2001
on the protection of the night-time environ-
Of the 28,164 metres of road lighting, 18,
391 meters were detected which were
below the appropriate levels, 7,989 were
correct, and 1,784 were above the optimal
One of the conclusions arrived at after
analysing this data was that despite the
considerable installed power, the illuminan-
ce of the network was not up to par and
that therefore, the installation was not suffi-
ciently efficient (lum/w.).
Year 2012. Drafting of an energy
After the Master Plan had been submitted,
the City Council commissioned the drafting
of an energy audit of the lighting system in
order to have a document that analysed the
possibilities for improving the efficiency of
the public lighting installations.
During this period, the urbanisation work of
a hotel sector was completed, which meant
that the 2,700 original points of light increa-
sed to the current 3,236.
The audit made it possible to:
Update the existing inventory.
Calculate existing and foreseen con-
Draft an economic study: budget and
the return period of the investment.
According to the audit, energy savings
would be 55% and the investment required
would be nearly one million euros.
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