Communication Network - Nº21 - page 47

“Run for the child’s sake”
On Sunday, 27 October, Hospital Infantil
Universitario del Niño Jesús in Madrid or-
ganised the third edition of the “Run for the
child’s sake” race in Retiro Park in the ca-
pital. The community’s participation was a
great success with more than 8,000 people
registered and the race bibs.
The race, organised by volunteer emplo-
yees of the Niño Jesús Hospital had two
different circuits with a length of 4 and 10
kilometres, respectively. The objective of
this race is to encourage physical exercise
as a normal activity and to raise funds for
the hospital’s research projects through the
Biomedical Research Foundation of Hospi-
tal Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús.
For yet another year, FCC collaborated in
this initiative, contributing the equivalent
of 100 race bibs which were distributed
among FCC staff who participated in the
race. Many of our colleagues supported
these great, healthy, and socially-commit-
ted initiatives. Thanks to everyone.
Remarks from some of our colleagues on
their experience:
Juan Carlos Ingles Morales:
“The ex-
perience, the atmosphere, and the orga-
nization were stupendous and there was
nothing that could not match other races
with a longer history and with greater re-
sources. I hope to repeat this experience in
future editions”.
Antonio Pulido Rodríguez:
“This is the
second year that I participate in this race
and, even though last year I thought it was
a very good experience, this year; it ex-
ceeded all my expectations, a real luxury
race throughout the Retiro Park, with many
happy people and a festive ambience and
contagious happiness. I have already writ-
ten down the date for next year’s race in
which I plan to participate”.
Daniel Álvarez Ramos:
“The truth is
that the experience was 100% gratifying.
Although popular races are always a great
experience, this one was even more since
you that you are contributing to a good cau-
se. For me, it is a source of pride to work
in a company that promotes these types of
Oscar Arturo Mandly Escribano:
any doubt, this race was worth the efforts. It
was gratifying to run for such solidarity cau-
se. Nobody deserves to suffer, much less
children “THE CHILDREN.”
José Carlos Rico Pérez:
“Many thanks
to all of you for having made it possible for
FCC to support such a sensitive cause. I
encourage you to continue promoting pro-
jects such as this one and you can always
count on some “clowns” like us.”
Maria Dolores Storch de Gracia Calvo:
“This event enables us to participate in an
activity with a company that defends the
same values that we do (efforts, closeness
to the community,...) and also allows us to
take part in an outdoor sports event with
the possibility of sharing this experience
with our families.”
Emilia Soto Herrero:
“Running this race
represented a great challenge for me since
it was the first time that I participated in a
10-km race and, but seeing that it was pro-
moted by the Company, I was encouraged
to do this.”
Facebook page on the race:
Hospital Niño Jesús:
Third edition of the popular race
organized by Hospital Niño Jesús
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