Communication Network - Nº21 - page 39

More than 20
companies that stand
out for their sustainability
policies, including FCC, are
represented in the Club for
Sustainability Excellence
From left to right: Félix Parra, managing director of FCC Aqualia; Francesc Quintillà, FCC Aqualia‘s
representative in Lleida and Tarragona; and Avelino Brito, managing director of AENOR.
treatment plants due to the physical-che-
mical processes involved in the treatment
of waste water.
The study also revealed that the significant
environmental management efforts made
at the waste water treatment plant thanks
to which the emissions that were preven-
ted were able to offset those from the con-
sumption of electricity.
The objective of the verification performed
by AENOR is to ensure, independently, that
the information included in the declaration
submitted by the organization is accurate,
coherent, transparent and without any ma-
jor discrepancy. The work team was made
up of experts from Aigües de Lleida’s Cor-
porate Technical Department, with the sup-
port of FCC Aqualia’s Corporate Technical
and Management Department.
The advantage of having this certificate is
that it makes it possible to know and to
Mario Rodríguez, the executive director
of Greenpeace Spain. The former pre-
sented the latest news on integrated
reporting in Spain (the CNMV and GRI4
guidelines) and the draft Environmen-
tal Assessment Law. Mario Rodríguez
talked about Greenpeace in Spain and
the main areas in which his organization
was working: Climate Change, the Agri-
culture Energy Model, and on the Exploi-
tation of Oceans, showing “his interest in
participating and debating with Spanish
companies in different industry deba-
te forums, regardless of whether or not
there were general or specific different
points of view”.
control the emissions produced by organi-
zations and their products, improve com-
petitiveness, and increase transparency
vis-à-vis third parties.
For an organization, the carbon footprint
certificate also enhances the credibility in
the reporting for third parties (national and
international sustainability indices, the Car-
bon Disclosure Project, etc.) and enables
management of the emission-associated
This initiative marks yet another step in
the Company’s eco-efficient management,
enabling it to identify new environmental
improvements to reduce emissions as well
as energy consumption. The initiative to
calculate and verify GHG emissions will be
implemented in more locations where FCC
Aqualia provides services.
Following this recognition, FCC Aqualia
now has a dozen certificates in the fields of
ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001
Environmental Management, R+D+i Mana-
gement, Information Security; and, Carbon
FCC Aqualia, FCC’s water management
company, is one of the few companies in
the world capable of offering solutions for
each type of water use; household, far-
ming, or industrial. FCC Aqualia operates
in more than 1,000 cities and towns and
in 200 drinking water treatment plant and
at more than 300 waste water treatment
plants in more than 16 countries: Spain,
Italy, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Roma-
nia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Mexico, Peru,
Chile, Algeria, Egypt, the United Arab Emi-
rates, Saudi Arabia, and China.
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