Communication Network - Nº21 - page 33

Today, more than ever, FCC is the leader
and the driver in developing the Smart Ci-
ties process, as well as an expert, with in-
depth knowledge of the territory of a city. It
is aware of the challenges in the new social-
economic context and of the need to co-
llaborate with other companies, the Public
Administration, and the community.
Accordingly, and under the slogan “Citizens
for smart cities”, FCC participated on 19
September 2013 in a seminar held at the
parliament of the Extremadura Community
in Mérida.
Juan Pablo Merino, director of FCC Corpo-
rate Marketing and Brand, was one of the
speakers. In his presentation, he stressed
the need to lay the groundwork for sustai-
nable cities through their basic services to
be able to face the challenge of building a
The “Citizens for smart cities” seminar
Juan Pablo Merino,
director of Corporate
Marketing and Brand,
participated as a speaker
at the session held last
19 September in Mérida.
Smart City. In any Smart City, the focus has
to be on citizens since they are the ones
who will be enjoying the city’s basic ser-
vices and must learn how to value these
services, recognising the added value that
they contribute. It is therefore necessary for
the Administration and for service compa-
nies to have efficient communication.
As proof of this, Juan Pablo mentioned the
study conducted by FCC in 15 Spanish ci-
ties. “Several people were asked what were
the services required for an ideal city. Wifi,
broadband, cable TV, were mentioned, but
everybody forgot about drinking water and
garbage. These are services that are taken
for granted”, he said. The second part of
the survey was about prices. “People know
how much they pay each month for their
cell phones and internet, but don’t know
the cost of water or waste collection.”
Almost 100 people, including companies,
professionals, and political representatives
from the region participated in the debate
on the role of citizens as a key element for
smart cities.
The seminar is part of a series of events to
disseminate FCC’s positioning as a refe-
rence in respect of Smart Cities. We are a
company that listens, interacts and is con-
cerned with addressing the needs of citi-
zens by improving the quality of their lives in
cities. The city is our territory and managers
and citizens our target audience.
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