Joint FCC Environment and .A.S.A.
(Good practices) training activities
A training activity was organised in Prague
from 15 to 17 October with the participa-
tion of FCC Environment and .A.S.A. FCC
Environment gave .A.S.A. a 3-day cour-
se on “Training trainers”, taught by Derek
Chatting (Director of Training) and Angie
Burgess (Training Manager). This initiative is
the result of the international training work-
shop held in Madrid on 11 and 12 February
which brought together training managers
from most of the FCC companies.
The “Training Trainers” course provided the
members of the .A.S.A. HR team, headed
by Silvia Slusna (HR manager at .A.S.A. )
the capabilities for efficiently creating, pre-
paring, and teaching, at the required trai-
ning level, other employees on issues rela-
ting to health, safety, the environment, and
other subjects.
Those who attended the courses will now
be able to:
Define the responsibilities and limits
of their role in relation to training other
Identify and use the most appropriate
training and learning methods that are
most suitable for employees’ training.
Plan the classes efficiently and with
Provide complete training courses
aligned to the needs to motivate parti-
Use different evaluation methods to
validate training and knowledge trans-
The course was a mixture of theory and
practical exercises in which, during the
first two days, those who participated wor-
ked on developing their training skills and
knowledge, concluding on the third day
with an individual 45-minute session that
was later evaluated. Lesley Callaghan (HR
manager at FCC Environment) was a mem-
ber of the assessment panel.
In the photograph: Silvia Slusna and Lesley Callaghan, with the trainers Derek Chatting and Angie
Burgess, and the attendees from the .A.S.A. human resources team.
On 15 October, the Institute of Tourism Sustai-
nability (ISTur), delivered its annual prize for the
execution of civil works and building in the na-
tional and international market with sustainable
criteria to FCC for its contribution to develo-
ping sustainable construction nationwide and
abroad, adopting good environmental prac-
tices and promoting the signature of interna-
tional agreement to promote its commitment
to equal opportunities, respect for biodiversity
and the eradication of discrimination and ha-
rassing. Antonio Burgueño Muñoz, director of
FCC receives
lnstitute of
Tourism Sustainability award
Quality and Training at FCC Construction’s In-
frastructure division collected the prize.
The awards for the 2nd edition of the inter-
national “True commitment to sustainability”
awards of the Instituto of Tourism Sustainabi-
lity® (ISTur) were delivered at Madrid’s Tech-
nical University of Civil Engineers. The Rector
of Madrid’s Polytechnic University, Carlos Con-
de chaired the event, accompanied by Rosa
María González Tirados, the director of ICE;
Joaquín Castillo Dolgaray, Tourism Managing
Director of the Madrid Community; Felipe Ga-
llego, president of Istur; and by the Secretary
of State of Tourism and the Hostel Industry of
Angola, Paulino Domingos Baptista.
During the ceremony, the President of the
Institute of Tourism Sustainability highlighted
“the importance of education as the basis for
sustainable development” and stressed that
“sustainability is not a utopia; we must assume
that it is the “road map” for the society of the
twenty-first century”.