Communication Network - Nº21 - page 37

s o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y
Educational activities during
the festivals in Oviedo
Environmental and Disability
seminars in Badajoz
4,000 euros
for the Red Cross
Gold Lottery
The chairman of the Badajoz Provincial Council, Valentín Cortés, and the city’s
mayor, Francisco J. Fragoso, accompanied by Jesús Rodríguez, the FCC Aqua-
lia representative in Extremadura; Jose Manuel Cruz, department manager in
Badajoz; and, Francisco Gijón, manager of Networks and Sanitation, participa-
ted in the first Environmental and Disability Seminars organized by Fundación
Caja Badajoz and the city council of this city in Extremadura. Held at the centrally
located Parque de Castelar, the seminars were organized with the objective of
disseminating responsible environmental practices, particular aimed at people
with disability in the city and in the other parts of the region.
At its stand, FCC Aqualia organised educational seminars to build awareness,
providing information on the consequences for the environment of bad habits at
home. He also made a demonstration of how manholes are cleaned with a dual-
type vacuum and pressure truck. Aqualia gave those who attended the seminar
portable and reusable trash bins with a label that said: “Take care of your city.
Use common sense. Garbage, in the trash bin!”
These types of seminars aim to inform the community on the work performed by
FCC Aqualia, work that most citizens are not aware of, in addition to increasing
awareness on taking care of our environment.
The Red Cross raised nearly 4,000 euros
thanks to the work of FCC Aqualia employees
at their offices in Andalucía who sold tickets for
the Gold Lottery. This collaboration took place
during the first week in July and involved 38
company offices throughout the Autonomous
Community of Andalucía. At these offices, FCC
Aqualia employees offered the lottery tickets to
their clients and, many of them, themselves
purchased these lottery tickets.
Spanish Red Cross managers highlighted
“the great involvement of FCC Aqualia emplo-
yees and the magnificent impression that they
made”, also thanking the company for its “in-
valuable help” thanks to which they were able
to increase their points of sale in Andalucía.
The Red Cross will be reinvesting locally the
sums raised in the Gold Lottery, 6.5% more
than in the previous year. These funds will be
invested in social programs to mitigate the ne-
eds of the most vulnerable families in Anda-
Alfonso Tomás, manager in Oviedo, and Belén Fernández, councillor of
Festivals and Society, during the presentation.
A moment during
the demonstration
of how manholes
are cleaned.
Belén Fernández, the councillor for Festivals and Society at the
Oviedo City Council and Alfonso Tomás, manager of FCC Aqualia,
unveiled the program for educational activities that the company
offered to the children of the capital city of Asturias during the local
St. Mathew’s Festival. One of the objectives of this program is to
encourage learning through fun and entertainment.
The event was organized at different neighbourhoods in the city with
an outdoor playroom and a 20-metre long bus with audiovisual ani-
mation and learning equipment such as a touch and TV screens
where games, films, feature films, and educational material were
The Oviedo City Council and FCC Aqualia collaborate one more
year to promote educational activities, committed to caring for
and being responsible for the environment.
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