Communication Network - Nº21 - page 40

The Board of Directors approves
the CSR Report
the Group’s socially
responsible performance
The FCC Board of Directors approved the
Company’s corporate social responsibility
report corresponding to the previous year.
This is the eighth CSR Report published
by the Group and the seventh one verified
by an independent third party, achieving,
thanks to the scope of its content, the A+
rating of the Global Reporting Initiative.
The report highlights FCC’s socially respon-
sible performance in the Group’s three core
business areas (Infrastructures, Environ-
mental Services, and Water) while analysing
the results in compliance with the Corpora-
te Responsibility Master Plan approved by
the Board for the years 2012-2014.
In the words of its chairman, Esther Alcocer
Koplowitz, “this report provides balanced
and fair information on our organization’s
economic, social, and environmental per-
formance which has always been guided
by the quest for excellence, sustainable
development, and occupational health and
safety, innovation, promoting talent, and
creating value for the communities where
we operate and for our stakeholders”.
For Juan Bejar, CEO of FCC, the report
accurately reflects FCC’s vocation: “contri-
buting to sustainable development in cou-
ntries where we operate, mainly in urban
centres or in the link to these centres”.
The following are the most relevant aspects
highlighted by the report:
and highlights
See the 2012 Corporate
Social Responsibility Report:
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