Communication Network - Nº21 - page 49

Good occupational
safety practices
Working together on
FCC participated in the meeting of the
Committee for the Prevention of Occupa-
tional Hazards sponsored by the Spanish
Quality Association (AEC, Spanish acron-
ym), held on 2 October at the National
Aerospace Technical Institute INTA) where
other companies associated with the PESI
Spanish Industrial Safety Platform partici-
FCC was invited to make a presentation on
the work that it has carried out in occupa-
tional road safety from the standpoint of a
multinational diversified company which,
based on its Strategic Road Safety Plan,
aims to respond to social and labour de-
mands on traffic accidents.
Jointly with companies such as Iberdrola
and INTA, the issues discussed in the mee-
ting included the problem of accident rates
and the prevention of road hazards, inclu-
ding accidents to and from work and also
the various programs being implemented
on road safety and mobility.
The Castile-Leon Centre for Occupational Safety and Health,
an organization attached to the regional government, organi-
zed the seminar in León on 29 October on “Working together
on preventing hazards. Good preventive practices” within the
framework of the European campaign with the same title.
FCC’s participation in the seminar was through its repre-
sentative, Pedro Ledesma García, who is attached to the
Company’s Corporate Department for Occupational Safety,
Health, and Welfare, and Miguel Ángel Hernández Calderón,
from the Environment division in central Spain. They descri-
be the details of the “Global campaign for participation and
awareness of safety and health issues”.
José Miguel Muñoz Bellido, the director of the Occupational
Safety and Health Institute of Castile-León gave the opening
speech, acted as the moderator, and closed the session. Be-
lén Pérez Aznar, from the National Occupational Safety and
Hygiene Institute (INSHT, Spanish acronym); the utility Iber-
drola, and the Asociación de Empresarios del Polígono San
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