Communication Network - Nº21 - page 48

First Latin American Congress on the Prevention
of Occupational Hazards
FCC participated in the 1st edition of the
Latin American Congress on the Prevention
of Occupational Hazards and Road Safe-
ty at Work, promoted by the Government
of Spain (through the National Department
of Traffic) and the Government of Peru
(through the National Council for Road Sa-
fety and the National Health Institute).
Held on the 16 and 17 October, the event
was a meeting point with other Latin Ame-
rican countries to exchange experiences
in traffic accidents at work, learning about
good business practices, and to increase
our knowledge on how to effectively mana-
ge action programs.
Two hundred representatives from 12 Latin
American countries in charge of occupatio-
nal safety and health at companies, from
public administrations, and road safety and
health experts gathered at this event.
FCC participated in the section on good
corporate practices, with Helios García
Asension, a technician at FCC Construction
who lives in Peru, who expressed before the
audience at the auditorium the Company’s
commitment to the fight against traffic acci-
dents and occupational accident rates.
According to the World Health Organiza-
tion (WHO), about 3,500 people die each
day on the road. The forecast for 2030 is
for road accidents to be the fifth cause of
death worldwide, with a rate of 2.4 million
deaths per year.
Meetings such as Presevilab make it pos-
sible to share information on strategies, to
build awareness on the problem of occu-
pational traffic accidents, to promote initia-
tives among administrations, companies,
and entities, so that with their combined
efforts, these statistics can be reversed.
Photo gallery:
Link to access information:
Presevilab 2013
Helios García Asensio, FCC
Construction’s Occupational Hazard
Prevention technician in Peru.
Closing session of the congress. From left to right: Juan Carlos Bajo, Occupational Safety and Health
Manager at PRYSMA, Peru; professor Luis Montoro, chairman of FESVIA; Dr. Nancy Laos, Minister of
Labour in Peru; and Juan Carlos Sánchez, Spain’s ambassador in Peru.
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