Communication Network - Nº21 - page 41

The FCC ethics framework has been
reinforced by including the North
American Federal Sentencing Guide-
lines, thanks to which, the Board of
Directors approved the new version of
the Code of Ethics and published the
Manual on the Prevention and Res-
ponse to offences.
FCC demands in all contracts with
suppliers that they respect it code of
ethics and comply with the 10 prin-
ciples of the United Nations Global
Pact and, that the contractual rela-
tion could be severed in the event of
In people management policies, the
Group’s Steering Committee stres-
ses the policy of equality and diversity
and on obtaining the “Equality in the
Company” seal – granted by the Mi-
nistry of Health as well on preparing
a job assessment project to analyse
the contribution of each job to the or-
ganization, or a 26% reduction in the
incidence of accidents at work.
Personnel training at FCC, with
975,088 hours of training (5% more
than in 2011) and a total investment
of 13,822,080 euros (22% less than in
the previous year.).
The Group’s commitment to integra-
ting the most disadvantage groups in
its workforce, hiring 963 employees
with some degree of disability, 54 of
whom have been recruited in the pre-
vious year.
The innovation policy, with more than
50 R+D+i projects that the group has
launched throughout the world with
an investment of 28.5 million euros,
almost double the amount invested in
the previous year.
FCC’s strategic approach to mitiga-
ting and adapting to climate change
thanks to its climate change strategy
approved by the Steering Committee.
In this area, worth mentioning is the
collection of data on the Group’s gre-
enhouse gas (GHG) emissions which
indicate that the figure was down 3%
in comparison with the previous year
(40% of these emissions are from lan-
dfill sites). The report mentions in this
point the efforts made by FCC Aqualia
to analyse the carbon footprint of its
activity, being the first company in its
sector to perform an analysis of this
FCC’s vision as a citizen services
group that wants to be recognised
as an international reference in eco-
efficient solutions for the communities
where it operates, also reflected in
the report through various initiatives
which, to such purpose, have been
implemented with several national city
councils, such as the dialogue plat-
forms with the city of Almería.
The commitment to excellence and
quality in the services provided to
citizens by FCC are reflected in this
report. It mentions that 81% of FCC
Group’s total activities are certified in
accordance with the ISO 9001 quality
standard and 78% in accordance with
the ISO 14001 environmental mana-
gement standard.
FCC’s CSR Report also describes the
social and educational projects un-
dertaken by the Group which repre-
sent a total financial investment of 4.5
million euros. These projects include
the corporate social volunteer activi-
ties being carried out in collaboration
with the Esther Koplowitz Foundation,
helping more than 447 people and
counting with the participation of 110
company employees.
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