Communication Network - Nº21 - page 38

FCC Aqualia,
the first Spanish companies
that certifies its carbon footprint
in Spain
FCC Aqualia, through its Aigües de Lleida,
joint-venture, has become the first Spanish
company that calculates and certifies the
carbon footprint of its end-to-end water
management services. Awarded by AE-
NOR; the certificate confirms the accuracy
of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
calculation of Aigües de Lleida.
Meeting of the Club for Excellence
in Sustainability
The committee of the Environment of the
Club for Excellence in Sustainability met
at FCC’s corporate headquarters in Ma-
drid. Susana Magro, managing director
of the Spanish Office on Climate Change
of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and
the Environment chaired the committee
meeting and informed the club on the
latest news affecting her department, in-
cluding: the most recent IPCC report, the
purchase of emission rights, the Environ-
ment Promotion Plan, the Climate Plan,
the Energy Efficiency Plan, the Carbon
Footprint, Project, the CO
Sinks Project,
and the Spanish participation in the Paris
2015 summit.
The scope of the study, verified in accor-
dance with the UNE-EN ISO 14064-1:2012
standard, included direct and indirect emis-
sions of the entire end-to-end water cycle
at all water management installations of the
Aigües de Lleida contracts and the Pinyana
Association, both of which are under the
responsibility of FCC Aqualia.
It also identified and quantified the fixed
carbon (carbon retained in biomass for
more than 100 years) as well as the emis-
sions that were prevented and the actual
ones resulting from the burning of biomass.
The calculation work was performed using
a methodology developed by FCC Aqualia
technicians and verified by AENOR. The
calculation delivered a total of 3,045.31
tonnes of CO
emissions to air. Of the total
GHG emissions, 90% are produced at the
Javier López-Galiacho, the director of FCC
Corporate Responsibility, gave Susana
Magro a copy of the FCC Climate Chan-
ge Strategic Plan. Enrique Hernandez, the
director of Corporate Responsibility and
Management Systems of FCC Aqualia
gave her a copy of the verification report of
the first carbon footprint calculation made
by one of the departments managing the
end-to-end water cycle, reflecting the im-
plementation and execution of the FCC Cli-
mate Change Strategic Plan.
The club’s general secretary, Juan Alfaro,
informed the committee members of the
creation of the Company’s Biodiversity
Observatory and of the Energy Efficiency
Observatory. Besides the permanent mem-
bers of this committee, other participants
included José Luis Blasco, the partner in
charge of Climate Change at KPMG, and
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