Communication Network - Nº21 - page 45

e l l - b e i n g
Adults also attended a training session on
the importance of obeying regulations and
on the basics of road safety and were able
to test the simulator to check the car brea-
king systems and retention methods such
as the safety belt.
After the activity, the young participants re-
ceived their first good driver’s licenses and
the seminar was topped off with a luncheon
at the facilities where they were able to ex-
change impressions in a meeting where,
besides learning, they were able to enjoy a
day with their families and friends.
The activity is promoted by the FCC’s Cor-
porate Occupational Health Department
with the collaboration of the General Ser-
vices Department and the Central Ware-
house of Construction Ancillary Materials.
Other external entities also participated: the
City Council of Alcobendas and the Road
Safety Park; RACE (the automobile asso-
ciation) which provided the simulators and
two technicians; Alliance Vending which
contributed the snacks during the morning
coffee-break; Mapfre Foundation which
provided the educational material and a
backpack which was distributed among
the attendants; and Domino’s Pizza which
was in charge of the lunch at the end of the
The seminar is part of an activity program
of FCC and the City Council of Alcoben-
das in their efforts against traffic accidents
as members of the European Road Safety
Charter and their commitment to “save li-
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