Communication Network - Nº21 - page 61

Our business
in Panama
With more than 10 years operations in Pa-
nama, FCC Construcción, has become
one of the country’s leading construction
companies. It is currently the second most
important contractor of the National Gover-
nment and is executing several projects,
Including Panama Metro Line 1, a Hospital
Complex, a new building for the Electoral
Board, and the Via Brazil, PAC4 corridor.
FCC’s recognised expertise and the quality
of the projects has been the best letter of
presentation for the company in a country
that is currently modernising and growing
at the rate of major cities.
FCC’s projects are also executed for priva-
te companies that place their trust in acti-
vities as essential as the construction of a
hydroelectric plant in the Chiriquí province
and the access roads to the Mineral Pana-
ma mines in the Coclé province.
Since it first landed in Panama, FCC has
generated more than 4,500 jobs, both ad-
ministrative as well as project workers. Its
work focuses not only in construction but
also in getting closer to the community,
especially the young and children who, for
FCC, represent the future of this country
which is increasingly becoming the centre
of this region.
FCC’s commitment goes beyond delivering
a well-executed project, meeting deadlines,
but also, one of the basic premises is to
build while maintaining an environmentally-
friendly approach.
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