Communication Network - Nº21 - page 66

Description of
Situated in the Chiriquí province near the border with Costa Rica,
the project involves the construction of a gravity dam, 56 meters
toll and 405 metres long built with conventional and concrete and
roller-compacted concrete (RCC9).
The dam has two spillways and three generator rooms. In addition,
the project involves the upgrading of the roads to the dam, a brid-
ge over the Chiriquí river, a 2.1 metre long conducting channel, the
forebay and the construction of the intake for the Salsipuedes ge-
nerator room located at the end of the water conveyance channel
and a discharge channel approximately 110 metres long, through
which water will be returned to the Chiriquí Viejo River.
This is an emergency project commissio-
ned by the Ministry of Public Works as a
result of the landslide following the 2010
heavy rains which included the repair of the
access road on the east of the Centena-
rio Bridge by previously stabilising the road
and building a screen of absorbent piles
Bajo Frío Hydroelectric Project
Repair of the East access road to
the Centenario Bridge
with a 1.0 metre diameter and up to 42 me-
tres long.
The screen was attached using high-capa-
city active soil anchors weighing 150 tons
distributed along two lines.
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