FCC Aqualia leas a European project to obtain biofuel from wastewater treatment Pág 80 FCC participating in Methamorphosis
project to convert waste treatment centres into bioenergy factories Pág 74 Islas Cíes, a treasure worth protecting
in the Ría de Vigo Pág 88 FCC approves the Group’s CSR policy for the sustainable development of its activities Pág 4 New Housing Plan: just for the Group’s employees and immediate family members Pág 8 The Place Communities The Group Joan Lara, from FCC Aqualia, creates his challenge for children with cancer Pág 38 .A.S.A. Servicii Ecologice and Goldis University ICIM Arad - Partnership for the future basketball in Arad (Romania) Pág 40 Wychavon District Council (United Kingdom) and FCC Environment pay tribute to five employees for their long service Pág 42 FCC, committed to training and hiring people with disabilities Pág 46 The Ministry endorses FCC Aqualia’s commitment to Equality Pág 57 The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality rewards FCC Construcción with the “Equality in the Company” seal. Pág 57 FCC inaugurates the energy-from-waste plant (EfW) in Buckingham (U.K.) Pág 10 FCC completes the first construction phase of the Dallas (U.S.) recycling facility buildings Pág 12 FCC Aqualia adapts its Management System to the new provisions of ISO 9001 and 14001 standards Pág 18 The BioSol project achieves its first milestone after two years of research Pág 19 FCC completes the Cañas-Liberia section of the Inter-American Highway, Costa Rica Pág 22 FCC celebrates its 20th anniversary in Panama Pág 27 Sports facilities: much more than sports Pág 30 Learning about the Family Plan Pág 64 FCC Medio Ambiente promotes environmental education for children with the recycling ‘Goose Game’ Pág 66 FCC supports the initiative “Companies for a society free of gender violence” Pág 69 Check your health at FCC’s Medical Services Pág 71Cover
People Social responsibility Business Well-being Knowledge