Emma Stokes, Councillor for the Environ-
ment and Street Scene at Wychavon Dis-
trict Council (west of London) and FCC En-
vironment Chief Executive, Paul Taylor,
joined FCC Environment Regional Manager
Fernando Capelastegui, to mark the long
service of Donald Roberts, Jimmy Smith,
Steve Moore, Dave Caines and Andy Ryan
for their long service as members of the
town’s cleaning team.
Each of the five have clocked up a at least
25 years with FCC Environment which has
been providing collections services to the
54,600 households in Wychavon since
1991. Four of the five had been working di-
rectly for the council for many years before
FCC was awarded the contract.
During the ceremony, Paul Taylor had a few
words for them ““well done to Donald, Ste-
ve, Dave, Andy and Jimmy. These 5 key
team members have worked a total of 169
years helping keep Wychavon clean and
tidy with Donald achieving a milestone of 40
years. I would like to personally thank them
for both their service and their continued
dedication to their vital jobs.”
Emma Stokes said “Wychavon is a close
community and our collections and street
cleaning teams are well known personali-
ties so to be able to recognise the long ser-
vice of five key members of the team today
gives me great pleasure.”
Five stories adding up 169 years
FCC Environment Regional Director Fer-
nando Capelastegui went over the profes-
sional career of each of the employees,
congratulated them and thanked them for
their years of service.
Donald has been cleaning the streets in the
town for 40 years. When FCC Environment
took over the contract in 1991, Donald was
on the route which collected refuse sacks
from properties that the collection lorries
couldn’t get to (narrow access). Since whe-
eled bins were launched in 2008, Donald
now collects from properties exempt from
wheeled bins in the south of the district, as
well as cleaning several streets on Satur-
Jimmy, in pre FCC days, carried out refuse
collections during the week and street clea-
ning duties at weekends. Since FCC Envi-
Wychavon District Council (United Kingdom) and
FCC Environment
pay tribute to five employees for
their long service
ronment was awarded the contract, Jimmy
has continued to clean the streets of
Steve has carried out refuse collection du-
ties in his time but more recently he has
been assigned to street cleaning duties in
Droitwich. Residents can see Steve walking
with his street cleaning barrow daily through
the town centre and surrounding residential
Dave has worked as a refuse collector
throughout all his years of service and still
carries out street cleaning duties at the
weekends in Droitwich.
Andy has been driving Refuse Collection
vehicles since he started with the FCC in
1991. Andy states that originally he went on
every round as a ‘trouble shooting’ driver
and has remained a highly valued member
of the team.