founded a preventive education centre, ca-
lled Patronato del Niño Jesús del Remedio,
for the children of people suffering from le-
prosy. Today, its headquarters has become
a Special Educational Centre associated
with the Madrid Autonomous Community.
The “Pardo-Valcarce” Occupational Centre
started operations in 1991 with the aim of
acting as the liaison between people with
intellectual disabilities and the job market.
This space, very close to the FCC head-
quarters in Las Tablas, also associated with
the Madrid Autonomous Community since
2002, offers training adapted to the inter-
ests and needs of each of the students and
users, enabling them to acquire the neces-
sary skills for working in a regular company.
In order to accomplish its objectives, the
Foundation’s workshops count on the sup-
port of an Employment Office and several
Special Job Centres to facilitate access to
the job market.
The Foundation also has training laborato-
ries in different fields, such as: gardening,
flower arrangements, or maintenance of
city orchards; a printing shop where stu-
dents receive training in typesetting, prin-
ting, or binding; post offices where they
manage postal mail and handle and orga-