takes part in the seventh edition of the
Forum of Urban Intelligence and Sustainability
FCC participated in the seventh edition of
the Greencities Forum of Urban Intelligence
and Sustainability which was organised on
5 and 6 October in Malaga. It is one of the
main national meetings on sustainable urban
management based on taking advantage of
new technologies. Other well-known insti-
tutions, authorities, and professionals in the
sector participated in the event.
FCC, which has more than 115 years expe-
rience in providing urban services, is com-
mitted to technological innovation with the
aim of improving the lives of people and of
making cities smart and more sustainable
and socially responsible, respecting their na-
tural habitat and contributing to preserving
the environment.
The Citizen Services Group had a stand at
the congress where it provided information
on its activities in the environmental and
urban services sector. The Company also
participated in the panel discussion on “The
Environment and sustainable urban develo-
pment” with Ignacio Arespacochaga, head
of FCC Medio Ambiente’s Information Sys-
tems and Technology, giving a speech on
behalf and representing FCC.
As an expert on smart cities and a specia-
list in the application of new Information
and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to
smart services, Ignacio Arespacochaga des-
cribed the work carried out by FCC in this
area. One of the most relevant aspects is
the development of VISION, the global ma-
nagement platform of FCC Group’s urban
The presence of FCC at this event reaffirms
its involvement and responsibility in a sec-
tor with which it has been involved since
its inception and demonstrates the great
importance attached by the Environment
Division to the sustainable development of
smart cities.
About FCC Medio Ambiente
FCC Medio Ambiente is the FCC Group di-
vision that provides environmental services
to 53 million people in 5,000 municipalities
in thirteen countries, from comprehensive
management of urban and industrial waste
to all types of municipal services (waste co-
llection, street cleaning, green spaces...) to
the recovery of contaminated soil.
It processes nearly 20 million tons of was-
te in more than 200 waste recycling and
treatment facilities, applying all technological
VISION, the global management
platform for FCC Group’s urban
solutions, from the mechanical and biolo-
gical treatment to the most advanced and
ecological energy from waste recovery.
At FCC Medio Ambiente, waste is trea-
ted as a resource, reused and recycled as
much as possible and recovering energy
from the rest.
As an expert on smart cities and specialist in
the application of new Information and Com-
munication Technologies (ICTs) to smart ser-
vices, Ignacio Arespacochaga described the
work carried out by FCC in this area.