FCC signs
two agreements
to create awareness
on trafficking in women
and their integration in the
FCC’s Environmental Services Division sig-
ned two collaboration agreements with two
religious orders, the Sisters Adorers and the
Oblate Sisters, who provide housing, orien-
tation, and social integration in order to pro-
mote awareness on women at risk of social
exclusion or are subject to trafficking and
their integration in the workforce.
Both agreements were signed at the Las Ta-
blas headquarters of FCC in Madrid in the
presence of representatives of both entities
and of the Human Resources Department of
the Business area.
The aim of these agreements is the colla-
boration of FCC and both entities through
hiring for the services that they provide in va-
rious Environment concessions nationwide.
The goal is to make effective the social and
job integration of women who have been
victims of trafficking as well as the necessary
collaboration to build awareness against this
violent phenomenon.
Sisters Adorers
The Hope project of the Sisters Adorers,
which FCC has joined, has been accom-
panying and facilitating a future to more than
300 women who were victims of women
trafficking. It also collaborates closely with
other organizations within the framework of
the Spanish Network against Human Traffic-
king and the Global Alliance Against Traffic in
Women (GAATW).
Oblate Sisters
The mission of the “Your Home” project of
the Oblate Sisters is to offer a space where
these women can live to protect their inte-
grity and that of their children; facilitate their
personal and social autonomy and their so-
cial-job integration.
By signing these agreements, FCC joins the
worldwide movement against human traffic-
king coinciding with the celebration of the
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons of
the United Nations to create awareness on
this problem and, from its Environment Di-
vision, to reinforce its commitment with the
communities where it provides services.
In the photo above, representatives of the
Oblate Sisters with members of the Human
Resources Department of FCC’s Environ-
mental Services. In the photo below, repre-
sentatives of the Sisters Adorers during the
agreement signing ceremony.