FCC Construcción
publishes its sixth report
Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
verified by an
external entity
For the sixth consecutive year, FCC Cons-
trucción has validated its Greenhouse Gas
(GHG) Emissions based on UNE-EN-ISO
14064-1 standard and the sector’s EN-
CORD benchmark, once again demonstra-
ting the efforts of the organization for mea-
suring and reporting on its environmental
performance based on internationally con-
solidated methodologies.
Aware of the importance of climate change,
in 2010 FCC Construcción implemented
its Climate Change Strategy, designing a
methodology to be able to confirm the si-
tuation by quantifying GHG emissions in its
FCC Construcción was the first Spanish
construction company to have the report
verified by AENOR and, since 2012, has the
“Environment CO
verified” certificate of its
carbon footprint which confirms the veracity
of the calculation as well as the inclusion of
GHG management in the organization’s sys-
tem and strategy.
FCC Construcción was also the first com-
pany to voluntarily record its carbon footprint
in the corresponding registry of carbon foot-
print, compensation and absorption projects
created in 2014 by the Ministry of Agricul-
ture, Livestock, and Environment. Data re-
flected in the 2015 report will be registered,
along with the footprints of 2013 and 2014,
in this Public Registry.
Read the report
FCC Construcción was the
first Spanish construction
company to verify this type
of GHG emissions report