Learning about the
Family Plan
The Family Plan, developed by Fundación
Adecco, is aimed at family members of FCC
employees who have a disability. The goal of
this project is to enable these individuals to
achieve maximum personal, social and pro-
fessional development thanks to a persona-
lised and multidisciplinary support process.
This support, provided by psychologists,
educators, and therapists from Fundación
Adecco, enables beneficiaries, be they chil-
dren, youngsters or adults, to acquire the
competencies and skills necessary for being
more autonomous and employable. The
purpose is to enhance their quality of life,
particularly enabling them to perform a job in
the short, medium, or long term.
The story of Jimena
Since the Family Plan was launched in
2008, 79 FCC people and families have be-
nefited from this initiative. One of them is
Jimena, a 5-year old girl whose story if full
of “efforts, motivation, courage and work”,
according to Sara Romero, the consultant
of the Family Plan who is in charge of her
cases at Fundación Adecco.
Jimena is the daughter of Lola, an FCC
Aqualia employee. She suffers from a
metabolic-endocrine disorder conside-
red a rare disease. Because of a genetic
problem, Jimena’s adrenal glands do not
function. These grape-sized glands are vi-
tal since they regulate aspects such as our
hydration, blood pressure, heartbeat, sugar
levels, and our response to stress. It is im-
possible to live without these glands and,
therefore, its diagnosis is part of the heel
prick test performed in newborns.
Many must think that because of this Jime-
na does not lead a “normal life”, although
the meaning of this expression, used so
often, is not the same for everyone. In this
context, Lola said, “my daughter Jimena
lives this situation very naturally. Besides,
even though it is technically considered a
disease, we don’t think of it as such becau-
se she does not feel sick”.
It’s not every day that we have the chance to learn about
stories of personal growth, stories that are difficult
to forget and which drives us to become better persons.
The moving story of Jimena, a beneficiary
of the Family Plan, daughter of Lola, an FCC Aqualia
employee is such an example.
Even though Jimena and her family must
pay attention every day to her medication,
for Lola, the most important thing is not to
attach great importance to the disease so
that there is no room for feeling sorry for
her. “The words ‘poor girl’ have been prohi-
bited at our house from the day that Jimena
was born”, Lola assured us.
Jimena currently receives help from the
Family Plan on two fronts. The medi-
cal treatment she receives to replace the
function of the glands would perform natu-
rally is constantly monitored at a specialised
hospital by endocrinologists and nephrolo-
gists. Sara, from the Family Plan is in char-
ge of encouraging all the skills and capa-
bilities that will enable Jimena to be more
autonomous, personally and professionally,
through a plan that includes educational or
training, social, and job resources adapted
to Jimena’s age and requirements.
“During the first months and years of
Jimena’s life, this is essential for the pro-
per psychomotor development and good
coordination. Physical exercise is also im-