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Once again this year,

FCC joins

the European Mobility Week

In keeping with its commitment to sus-

tainability and to improving the quality of

cities, and with the Strategic Road Safety

Plan, FCC, through the FCC Medio Am-

biente Levante II Branch Office, have joi-

ned the EDWARD project which aims to

reduce the number of road traffic acci-

dents in European cities as part of the ac-

tions carried out in cities during European

Mobility Week, celebrated each year from

16 to 22 September.

Promoted by the European Traffic Police

Network (TISPOL), the aim of the ED-

WARD Project is to have the 21st of Sep-

tember as the European Day without any

mortal road accidents. Different types of

material were distributed to create aware-

ness on the initiative.

The Levante II branch of FCC Medio Am-

biente translated and distributed the poster

describing the commitment to join the ED-

WARD project as part of the actions to pro-

mote Road Safety.



This project, jointly with the European Day

Without a Road Death (EDWARD) celebra-

ted on 21 September and for which cities

such as Madrid and Barcelona organised

special activities, are some of the activities

of the European Mobility Week (EMW) which

this year has the slogan, “Smart Mobility.

Strong Economy”. The objective of this edi-

tion is to promote the positive impact that

smart mobility can have on the economy.

The actions carried out over the past few

years as part of the European Mobility Week

have resulted in a greater number of cou-

ntries and cities joining the project, organi-

zing activities and implementing initiatives

to create awareness among citizens on the

importance of achieving a more sustainable

transport. Spain, with 424 cities joining this

edition is, jointly with Austria, one of the cou-

ntries with the greatest participation.

The VW Up of the All-gas project

is the protagonist of the

Mobility Week in Jerez

FCC Aqualia took part in the 5th edition of the Sustainable

Mobility Fair in Jerez. All-gas was the Company’s wager

for participating in this event where citizens discovered the

challenges posed by this revolutionary project which aims

to obtain biogas from the cultivation of microalgae fed with


Researchers Raúl Cano and Esteban Serrano were the

representatives of FCC Aqualia at the fair where the Vo-

lkswagen Up - which is being used for testing the biofuel

currently being produced at the project facilities - was dis-

played. The Councillor for Sustainability, Participation and

Mobility of Jerez City Council, José Antonio Días, visited

the Company’s information stand and

his opinion was very positive with re-

gards to FCC Aqualia’s commitment to

developing R+D projects to obtain al-

ternative sources of clean energy.

Jerez City Council planned several ini-

tiatives for celebrating Mobility Week

and for creating awareness on this is-

sue. FCC Aqualia’s collaboration in this

event is in keeping with its strategy of

contributing as much value as possible,

more than just its day-to-day technical

management, in the territories where it
