6th Corporate Meeting on the
Prevention of Occupational Hazards
FCC Medio Ambiente participated in the 6th
Corporate Meeting on the Prevention of Oc-
cupational Hazards (POH) organised in Alco-
bendas (Madrid). The purpose of the mee-
ting is to disseminate the preventive culture
in companies in the Madrid Autonomous
Delfina García Martínez, head of FCC Medio
Ambiente’s Occupational Hazards Preven-
tion Department, represented the Company
with a speech entitled “Model of a Healthy
Company in Urban Sanitation Activities”.
Promoting the health, safety, and welfare of
its employees is included in the objectives of
FCC Medio Ambiente in relation to the pre-
vention of occupational hazards, integrating
the health of workers in the Company’s ma-
nagement policy which promotes preventi-
ve actions against diseases and accidents
at work and other work-related disorders
as well program of preventive measures to
encourage healthy habits among employees
and their personal surroundings.
The key objective is to prevent occupational
hazards, including currently emerging disea-
ses such as cardiovascular pathologies, pro-
blems related to the lack of physical activity
and a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate eating
habits and overweight, consumption of har-
mful substances such as tobacco, muscle-
skeletal disorders and stress. To tackle the-
se problems, specific programs have been
launched to eliminate or reduce these risks
and to contribute to promoting health in the
company in order to have a more pleasant
and attractive work environment, improved
performance at work, and the right work-life
The factors that have an impact on healthy
work places are:
Physical work atmosphere
This refers to the structure, air, machi-
nery, furnishings, chemical products,
materials, and production processes
at work.
Psycho-social work atmosphere
The psycho-social work atmosphere
includes work organization, the insti-
tutional culture and the attitudes, va-
lues, beliefs, and practices at work on
a daily basis which affect the mental
and physical well-being of emplo-
yees. These are generally known as
the stressing work factors. It is also
influenced by the individual characte-
ristics and actions of workers.
The Company’s health resources
The personal factors have an impact
on health at work are the individual li-
festyles, health services, information,
resources, opportunities and the fle-
xibility of the company in relation to
workers for the purpose of supporting
or motivating their efforts to impro-
ve or maintain their personal healthy
lifestyles as well as monitoring and
supporting their current physical and
mental condition.
The Company’s involvement in the
Companies exist in communities,
affect them are affected by them. Sin-
ce workers live in communities, their
health is affected by the community’s
physical and social environment. The
Company’s participation in the com-
munity includes the activities conduc-
ted by the company and the specia-
lised knowledge and other resources
that it contributes to the community
where it operates, both in terms of
physical as well as social aspects that
affect the physical and mental health,
the safety and well-being of workers
and their families.
Delfina García Martínez, head of FCC Medio
Ambiente’s Occupational Hazard Prevention De-