The technology
incorporated by this
project will enable waste
treatment facilities
to be more efficient
and to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions
This new process will enhance efficiency
while also reducing greenhouse gas emis-
sions, by cutting energy demand by 70% and
reducing CO2 emissions by 80%with respect
to conventional processes. ICAEN will assist
in transferring the knowledge obtained from
the project and in enhancing its replicability.
Methamorphosis represents a step forward
in extracting energy fromwaste and is an im-
portant contribution to a circular economy,
since it turns a waste treatment centre into
a fuel production facility with the ability to
feed both vehicles and the distribution net-
The efficiency of the enriched biomethane
will be demonstrated in tests with SEAT vehi-
cles monitored by that company’s engineers
and in FCC Medio Ambiente vehicles that
currently use natural gas, in a series of tests
totalling 120,000 kilometres per vehicle
The test with FCC Medio Ambiente vehicles
will be conducted in normal conditions as
the vehicles perform their day-to-day tasks.
GHG emissions are expected to be redu-
ced by 30% with respect to diesel, and the
impact of biomethane on performance, en-
gine components, fuel consumption and
emissions will be assessed in the test fleet,