FCC Aqualia, the FCC subsidiary enga-
ging in end-to-end water management, is
leading the All-gas project that will make
it possible to obtain biofuel from the was-
tewater treatment process. The project has
a 12 million euro budget and is part of the
European Union (EU) R+D+i initiatives. Un-
der the leadership of FCC Aqualia, other re-
search companies from Germany, the Uni-
ted Kingdom, Holland, Austria and Turkey
are also participating in the project.
The All-gas project is in keeping with the
EU’s commitment to research in order to
find new sources of clean energy and, as
such, the EU is contributing more than 7
million euros for its funding, reflecting Eu-
ropean efforts to reduce dependency on
fossil fuels. The goal is to have renewable
energies account for 20% of the energy
produced in Europe by the year 2020.
In practice, the project is based on taking
advantage of wastewater for the cultivation
of microalgae and its subsequent conver-
sion in products such as biodiesel to pro-
duce energy. It is to be developed over a
five-year period with the first two-year pha-
FCC Aqualia
leas a European project to obtain biofuel
from wastewater treatment
The El Torno wastewater treatment plant
in Chiclana de la Frontera (Cádiz)
The aim of the project
is to apply research to
reduce energy dependency,
obtain value from
wastewater and find new
sources of alternative
energy sources.
se focusing mainly on research and the re-
maining three years on production. The El
Torno wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
in Chiclana de la Frontera (Cádiz) features
the essential installations for the first pha-
se. In the first phase, two ponds with an
algae collection system and ancillary facili-
ties have been installed at the adjacent mu-
With a 12 million euros
budget, the project is part
of the European Union’s
(EU) R+D+i initiatives