by comparing with existing data from using
network’s natural gas.
Through this project, the FCC Group is fur-
thering the development of a fuel from re-
newable sources that is both cleaner and
more environmentally friendly than existing
liquid fuels, produces lower emissions of
harmful particles, improves air quality, and
helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The
project is a clear manifestation of FCC’s tech-
The project in which
FCC participates through
its water and environment
subsidiaries is
co-funded by
the European LIFE
programme and has
a total budget of 3.6
million euros
SEAT vehicles
and FCC Medio Ambiente
to test biogas produced in
the project over 120,000
nology innovation policy, which is focused
on providing smart services to citizens and
on the practical application of synergies de-
rived from combining the experience of our
business areas —Water and Environment, in
this case.
The FCC Group has over 115 years of expe-
rience in providing services to citizens. It is a
world leader in environmental services, end-
to-end water management, and infrastruc-
ture development. It currently employs over
50,000 people and operates in 25 countries.
In 2015 it obtained close to 6.5 billion euro
in revenues, 47% from countries other than
FCC Aqualia is the water management subsi-
diary of FCC, one of Europe’s leading citizen
services companies. It is the largest Spanish
company in its industry, the third-largest
private water company in Europe and the se-
venth-largest in the world, according to the
most recent ranking by Global Water Intelli-
gence (GWI) magazine; the company serves
22.5 million people. It currently operates in
1,100 cities in 21 countries.