FCC Environment continues its com-
mitment to the search, creation and appli-
cation of new technologies in the services
sector with the aim of minimising emissions
in the environment and boosting competiti-
veness in Spanish companies.
One outcome of these efforts takes the
shape of the VEMTESU Project (Develop-
ment of High-Efficiency, Electric-Traction,
Vehicular, Modular and Self-Supporting
Platforms for Urban Services), which has
FCC Environment is the business area of the FCC Group that provides environ-
mental services to 53 million people in approximately 5,000 cities in 13 countries,
ranging from end-to-end management of municipal and industrial waste through
the full range of municipal services (waste collection, street cleaning, green area
maintenance, etc.) to restoration of contaminated soil.
We process close to 20 million tons of waste per year in over 200 recycling and
treatment plants, using the full range of technologies, from mechanical and biologi-
cal treatment to the most advanced energy-from-waste solutions.
FCC Environment treats waste as a resource, reusing and recycling as much as
possible and recovering energy from the remainder.
FCC promotes development of an electric vehicle
prototype for providing urban services
urban environment, the vehicle is able to re-
charge its own batteries as it moves, taking
advantage of the energy from its heat en-
gine and electrical power generator, which
enables it to extend its electrical autonomy
for a whole working day.
As a leader in the urban services sector
both in Spain and abroad, FCC Environ-
ment is aware of the need to study new
means of propulsion for vehicles so as to
reduce the emission of harmful gases as
much as possible, as well as the depen-
dence on fossil fuels in transport.
The consortium formed to undertake the
project is made up of highly renowned
companies such as FCC, IRIZAR, IVECO,
JEMA, and JOFEMAR and represents a
balanced union, capable of including each
and every element in the value chain of the
end product. They will all work together
with the subcontracted research bodies
(INSIA, TECNALIA and CEIT), integrating a
solid development team with extensive ex-
perience in R+D+I projects, both in Spain
and abroad.
been funded by the Centre for the Deve-
lopment of Industrial Technology (CDTI), as
part of the CIEN programme, and the Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund (ERDF),
through the 2014-2020 Multiregional Ope-
rational Programme on Intelligent Growth.
The main objective of the project is to esta-
blish, design and develop a vehicle prototy-
pe for urban services provision, which will
operate completely electrically in an urban
environment. In the same way, in an extra-