portant so that Jimena maintains a healthy
weight. As she grows, her needs change
and, therefore, in view of her schooling, we
provide the necessary support so that she
is always at the same level as the rest of
her class, and so far, we have been able
to accomplish in all of her school subjects”,
Sara told us.
Support for the entire family
The Family Plan provides support not only for
the family member with a disability but to the
entire family. In Jimena’s case, the parents
and siblings go to the Family Plan School.
There, through talks, workshops, camping
activities, all their concerns about Jimena’s
disability are discussed. They can share their
experience and also learn from other families
in a similar situation. Having a family mem-
ber with a disability is not always easy but
it is much simpler when you have people
who understand, accompany you and help
to make day-to-day living less complicated.
And yes, this can be achieved.
Lola appreciates everything that FCC and
Fundación Adecco, through the Family
Plan, have done for her entire family. “Ha-
ving the possibility of someone accompan-
ying Jimena and advising us is essential for
her so that she can have a great future”, she
said. As parents, Lola and her husband ima-
gine that their daughter will have a happy life,
a future where, according to Lola, she does
not “feel discriminated or limited by anything,
where Jimena can aspire to whatever she
wants without fear of not being able to do so
because of her condition”.
A great challenge ahead
Currently, families where one of their mem-
bers has a disability, face a great challen-
ge; the complete social integration of these
people: a challenge that can be overcome
and which is also our responsibility. Accor-
ding to the report on disability and the fa-
mily by Fundación Adecco, many of the fa-
milies interviewed believe that there was still
a lot of prejudice and stereotypes that make
the full integration of people with disabilities
difficult. Of those interviewed, 45% have felt
that this is the case in schools where their
children “cannot participate on equal foo-
ting in educational activities”.
At FCC, we will continue to work with Fun-
dación Adecco and through the Family Plan
to help all of our employees who have a fa-
mily member with a disability to change this
trend and to contribute to creating greater
awareness in the community.
Read Link
Check the Fundación Adecco’s 5o
report on Disability and Family