for the communities living in the La Valdeza
quarry in Panama
FCC Construcción, jointly with Instituto
Nacional de Formación and Capacita-
ción para el Desarrollo Humano (INADEH),
completed the fourth sewing course for
the residents of the communities near the
La Valdeza quarry in Panama. Thirteen
women from different communities such
as 19 de Abril and la Valdeza attended
classes to specialise in making curtains
and decorative borders.
The course, lasting one and a half months,
was taught by Berta Reyes from INADEH
on the development of
FCC has been involved for several
years in the development of the com-
munities living near the La Valdeza
quarry, promoting different initiatives
such as sports events, road repairs,
construction of sports facilities, envi-
ronmental campaigns to reduce noi-
se, and seminars on health.
FCC and INADEH offer a sewing course
who taught the different sewing techni-
ques. Professor Dilsa Gutiérrez de Sama-
niego discussed the importance of these
courses for people living in the area and
thanked FCC and INADEH for the work
they had carried out to develop activities
that promote entrepreneurship.
Ana Kanyelis, the coordinator of INADEH
in West Panama, said that in order to en-
courage them to continue their professio-
nal development, a course on entrepre-
neurship would be organised shortly so
that the women could fulfil their goals.
Carlos Pantoja, head of FCC Industrial
in America, indicated that the company
would continue to support these types
of initiatives aimed at the development of
residents in the areas adjacent to the pro-
jects so that, having learned sewing tech-
niques, they are encouraged to open their
own businesses.