The Ministry endorses
FCC Aqualia’s
commitment to Equality
The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
endorses the work that the company carries out on a
daily basis to equalise the work of men and women.
This work has been recognised since 2010
with the “Equality in the Company” seal.
The Ministry of Health, Social Services and
Equality has endorsed the 5th annual mo-
nitoring report on the “Equality in the Com-
pany” seal submitted by FCC Aqualia. In the
report, the Company details the measures
implemented in relation to the equality seal
that the Ministry granted in 2010 as well as
the evolution of the measures developed
since 2013, the year on which the seal was
In the photo, the mentors and mentees who participated in the 2016 edition of the Mentoring Program, one of the Company’s initiatives in the field of
In its report, the Administration expressed its
agreement with the awareness campaigns
developed by FCC Aqualia to celebrate the
International Women’s Day on 8 March and
the fight against gender violence on 24 No-
vember as well as other training measures
on equality with more than 800 participants
throughout 2015, particularly the actions to
facilitate the increase of women in mana-
gerial positions, such as the Management
Program for Women with High Potential,
the Mentoring Program to promote women,
the “Lead your future” and “Support Talent”
Despite all the work that has been carried
out, there is still a lot of work to be done. FCC
Aqualia has set as its challenges to achieve
gender parity in managerial positions and in
the makeup of its Board of Directors as well
as in Senior Management. The salary gap
is another great challenge for the company
in its commitment to promote and ensure
equality excellence in the Company.
Since the Ministry of Health, Social Servi-
ces and Equality granted the “Equality in the
Company” seal, FCC Aqualia has strengthe-
ned its commitment to the fight against gen-
der inequality in favour of equal treatment
and opportunities among men and women,
disseminating this message and having all
the team that makes up the company invol-
ved in this process.
The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality rewards
FCC Construcción with the “”Equality in the Company” seal
FCC Construcción was awarded the “Equa-
lity in the Company” seal 2015 by the Minis-
try of Health, Social Services and Equality as
recognition for the support and commitment
with policies aimed at achieving equal op-
portunities among men and women.
Alfonso Alonso, the minister of Health, Social
Services and Equality sent a letter to FCC
Construcción congratulating the Company
for the work carried out.
FCC’s Code of Ethics stresses the need to
promote equality policies for fair treatment
at all levels and for the elimination of gender
barriers in work environments.