FCC Medio Ambiente,
present in the course
on smart cities and waste management in El Escorial
Raúl Pérez, director of FCC Medio
Ambiente’s Madrid branch office described
the main current and future challenges in
urban waste management and treatment
in smart cities at one of the activities con-
ducted in the “Smart Cities 3.0 – Citizen’s
Connection” which was held in San Lorenzo
de El Escorial.
At the round of conferences organised by
Universidad Complutense de Madrid and by
the trade union UGT – Madrid on 6, 7 and 8
July, several experts, executives, and repre-
sentatives of companies and institutions dis-
cussed the needs of urban centres to achie-
ve the transformation of cities into smart
cities. In this transformation, the relationship
based on transparency, accountability, and
the use and appropriate recovery of resou-
rces, innovation and technology are among
the fundamental elements to be taken into
account. One of the greatest challenges fa-
ced by smart cities is management of urban
waste, a subject that was discussed in detail
at a round table in which Raul Pérez parti-
The director of FCC Medio Ambiente’s Ma-
drid branch described the improvements re-
quired in this field on which the Group is al-
ready working on at its various services and
locations. Proof of this is FCC’s commitment
to the preservation of environmental sustai-
nability y means of the technological deve-
lopment of waste collection vehicles with
reduced polluting emissions.
In another topic discussed at the session,
Raúl Pérez stressed the importance of im-
proving communication with citizens in order
to optimise the information given to resi-
dents in relation to the urban waste manage-
ment and treatment process. In this respect,
Pérez mentioned that the top priority was
to reduce the production of waste through
the correct prevention and the awareness
of citizens while companies in the industry
perfected their waste collection systems and
their facilities.
Lastly, Raúl Pérez underscored the need for
wagering on the development of the energy-
from-waste industry, considering waste as
an energy resource.
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