Why is collaboration with external
companies, such as FCC, important for
the Foundation?
We work so that people with disabilities
participate in society and employment is
undeniably one of the ways to achieve this.
Work makes us feel part of the communi-
ty; it motivates and challenges us and is a
place where we can make friends. It is also
essential for an independent life, leisure
sports. People with intellectual disabilities
want and can work. It tells a lot about FCC
that they believe in this and that it opens
its doors.
How do both parties benefit from the
We firmly believe that companies also win
when they give people with an intellectual
disability an opportunity. A diverse workfor-
ce is rich and versatile and mobilises more
competencies than in workforces that are
not as diverse. They are more open to crea-
tivity and innovation. And, most importantly,
companies are increasingly more human
and committed to society and this also a
differentiating trait.
What is the role of companies in the
social and job integration of people
with an intellectual disability?
As explained above, they play a key role.
Inclusion in the workforce is logically in their
hands and as we have seen, everything hin-
ges on the participation in the job market.
Companies as well as society must advan-
Almudena Martorell
Director of Fundación
Carmen Pardo-Valcarce
ce as a whole towards changing a chari-
table model into one where we truly value
the wealth that workers with an intellectual
disability are able to contribute.
What type of activities can people with
an intellectual disability perform best?
Sometimes I dare to compare the incorpo-
ration of women in the job market with that
of people with disabilities. Until quite re-
cently, it was considered that we could not
be productive and we are not even allowed
to vote. But, when an entire society looks
at you that way, it is very difficult to change
that reality. I believe that people with an in-
tellectual disability are in a similar situation.
But if we believe that they can, they can
do anything that they set their minds to.
Thanks to initiatives such as FCC’s, we are
coming closer to fulfilling that dream.