FCC Construcción
publishes its
2015-2016 Sustainability Report
The publication of the report, which focuses on the
UN Millennium Development Objectives, coincides
with the first anniversary
of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
FCC Construcción has published its 2015-
2016 Sustainability Report to outline the
company’s efforts to integrate the UN Millen-
nium Development Goals into its strategy.
The report highlights the significant ac-
tions in relation to the way of managing the
company’s human rights, employment stan-
dards, the environment and the fight against
corruption throughout the 2015 financial
year, and how these efforts and initiatives of
the organisation help to achieve the SDGs.
The Report, drawn up in accordance with
the “comprehensive” option of the GRI G4
Guidelines, was based on a materiality cri-
terion and, therefore, although it deals with
a wide range of issues to give an account of
our performance regarding sustainability, fo-
cus is placed on issues that are important for
the organisation and its main stakeholders.
FCC Construcción experienced major chan-
ge in 2015. It was a year in which our com-
pany began a major transformation in the
areas of operation, finance and governance,
seeking to strengthen our ability to provide
improved and more sustainable solutions to
better respond to the wellbeing and develo-
pment of people.
Internationalisation is an obstacle we must
overcome by capitalising on the best hu-
man and technical resources, allowing us to
embark on projects in any part of the world.
With revenues of 1.993 billion euros in 2015,
and with a stable presence in more than 15
countries, over 78% of our backlog is se-
cured internationally. This situation means
that developing our sustainability strategy
around 17 global objectives is an important
roadmap to follow in order to facilitate its im-
plementation in the different business areas
and alongside our stakeholders.
The Report gives an account of milestones
including the active participation in working
groups in relation to sustainable construc-
tion and innovation, restructuring in Spain,
the commitment to training and the safety of
our employees in the workplace. It also men-
tions the accolade of obtaining the “Equality
in the Workplace” hallmark from the Ministry
of Health, Social Services and Equality; re-
newing the FCC Construcción communica-
tion model by expanding its communication
channels through different social network
profiles; as well as extending the Environ-
mental Management System certification to
cover 97% of all company activities.
Lastly, the high number of case studies out-
lined in the publication is worthy of mention.
They highlight the company’s actions and
commitments related to communication,
training, development of local economies,
and the Environment, Human Resources or
Innovation in the different countries where
we operate.
One year has passed since the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development was launched
on 25 September 2015 when worldwide lea-
ders agreed on a set of global objectives to
achieve sustainable development.
This global action plan entails a set of 17
Sustainable Development Goals and 169
specific targets which address the most
pressing challenges to be faced by people
and the planet in the next 15 years. It is also
important to mention that it not only seeks to
end extreme poverty and hunger, guarantee
health, education, water and sanitation or
economic development, but does so from a
comprehensive and universal approach, ba-
lancing the three dimensions of sustainable
development: economic, social and environ-
Read the report: