The FAST consortium, led by FCC, hosted a
summer training program promoted by Arri-
yadh Development Authority (ADA), focused
on renewing national talent in engineering for
the purpose of having trained personnel who
can be part of the project.
During the week of 10 July, a group of 10
Saudi students were welcomed at FCC’s
headquarters in Las Tablas. They toured se-
veral projects, including La Peineta Stadium,
the Alcántara-Garrovillas section of the high
speed train (AVE), the Arganda Machinery
Park, the El Alto factory, the Palma del Río
thermosolar project, and ended their visit at
the Málaga Metro.
Vigo can boast of being one of the cleanest
cities in Spain. For the fifth consecutive
year, this city in Galicia won the “Platinum
Broom”, an award given by Asociación Téc-
nica para la Gestión de Residuos, Aseo Ur-
bano y Medioambiente (ATEGRUS), to
reward the efforts of towns and cities in en-
vironmental practices and street cleaning.
This commitment of the city with cleanli-
ness is evident in the video produced by
several of the FCC employees involved in
the street cleaning service for the local TV
where they demonstrate, based on their
own experience, their enthusiasm and desi-
re to improve the image of the city which
has already been awarded five “Platinum
FCC welcomes a group of Saudi students,
members of the summer program promoted
by ADA
Vigo’s street cleaners
committed to the city
The summer program organised in coopera-
tion with universities in Saudi Arabia, is de-
signed for Civil Engineering, Electrical Engi-
neering, Mechanical Engineering and
Architecture graduates.
FCC, committed to knowledge transfer and
the promotion of talent, demonstrated first
hand its long experience in engineering and
its ability to face new challenges, from the
technological standpoint and a global ap-