The pupils’ competition in collection of waste
paper breaks records!
.A.S.A. Servicii Ecologice
Goldis University ICIM
Arad - Partnership for the future of Arad basketball
Since 1997 the company FCC Environ-
ment CEE (.A.S.A.) has been systematica-
lly engaged in cooperation with schools in
environmental education. The most impor-
tant objective of FCC programs is to en-
courage ecological behaviour of future ge-
nerations in the spirit of the company
motto “Service for the Future”. The pro-
gram also includes a school competition in
the waste paper collection.
The competition started in the school year
2001/2002 in the Czech Republic. “Back
then, 10,757 pupils from 67 schools in
Prague and Brno participated in this com-
petition, who collected 198,954 kg of pa-
per,” recalls Martina Mazurová who is in
charge of the competition in the Czech
Republic. “During the 15 years of the com-
petition, the number of participants and
the amount of the collected paper multi-
plied. We can say that almost every year
we break records. “In the calendar year
2015/2016 pupils collected a record
amount of paper again 4,027,682 kg.
105,675 pupils from 620 schools partici-
pated in this competition.
The women’s basketball club from Arad is
one of the most decorated in the country,
having won 9 national championship titles,
as well as two Romanian cups and three
trophies in the League of Central Europe.
“This partnership is the first step on the way
to a better future for basketball in Arad, the
first ray of sunlight after a long period of un-
certainty”, said Dan Moraru, coach of the
women’s basketball club.
With the support of .A.S.A.
Servicii Ecologice (presented
under the brand FCC Environ-
ment) the uncertain future of
the most famous sport’s team
in Arad - the Goldis University
ICIM Arad - has been secured.
The contract was signed at the Town Hall
by Emanuel Maris (.A.S.A. Servicii Ecologi-
ce) and Marcel Urban (representative of the
club) in the presence of the deputy mayor
Călin Bibart, confirming the support of the
local authorities to the sport in Arad, in par-
ticular to women’s basketball.
Such competition also runs in the Slovak
Republic and Serbia. The competition has
been held in the Slovak Republic since the
school year 2008/2009 and in Serbia sin-
ce 2013/2014. Only this year the pupils
have already collected over 300,000 kg in
these countries.
During the duration of the competition, the
pupils in the three above mentioned coun-
tries belonging to the FCC Environment
CEE Group (.A.S.A.) have collected in total
over 37 million kilograms of paper. This
would have saved about 75,000 tons of
wood as a primary raw material.