If last year he travelled 85 kilometres per
day during 15 days to bring the dreams of
children with cancer to the last corner of the
world, from Barcelona to Finisterre, this
year, Joan Lara beat his own record.
Joan is the head of the Sports Centres in El
Vendrell (Tarragona) and a triathlete. On this
occasion, he wanted to symbolise an army
fighting a war with cancer and, under the
name of EP7C performed 7 Ironman on 7
consecutive days to go from Barcelona to
Rome. He swam 26.6 km, cycled 1,260
km, and ran 296 km.
The dream of a cancer-free world
Running an average of 13 hours per day,
Joan Lara had to put up with strong gusts
of wind in the Camargue the slopes of the
Maritime Alps, and intense heat throughout
the entire week.
Once again, the solidarity challenge of this
initiative was to raise funds for AFANOC, an
association for children with cancer, and
Casa de los Xuklis, a home for the families
of these children. The challenge was very
difficult and took him to the limit, but, as he
said, “there is no tougher army than the one
that never gives up”.
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