FCC Aqualia’s senior management appro-
ved the documents relating to the Manage-
ment system that will enable the company
to adapt to the new revised ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001 standards that were announced
recently. Accordingly, FCC Aqualia will be
one of the first of the Group companies to
implement these revised standards.
The main changes affecting the standards
include the bolstering of the “leadership”
concept” and the incorporation of new terms
such as the company’s internal and external
“context”, “stakeholders’ expectations”, a
transversal vision of risks, the inclusion of the
“lifecycle” concept and adaptation to climate
change and biodiversity.
Taking advantage of the alignment of docu-
mentation, an adjustment was also made
that is focused on the Company’s new re-
ality (regional, by zone, country, and branch
office). The purpose of the new functional
and territorial structure is to drive the com-
pany towards the ongoing improvement of
its activities, supported by processes and
procedures that are part of its Management
FCC Aqualia
adapts its Management System to the
new provisions of ISO 9001 and 14001 standards
Several documents were revised, including
the “Management System Policy” (available
online) which includes the eleven criteria go-
verning the Company’s Management Sys-
tem. The project process was also revised,
adding the new “unique projects” concept.
By adapting its management system, FCC
Aqualia ratifies its commitment to constant
improvement in each of the activities that it
conducts thanks to which it has been awar-
ded certificates in the Quality, Energy Mana-
gement, Carbon Footprint and R+D+I; the
certificate for its Information Security sys-
tems; the certification of its laboratories; and
the verification of its annual CSR reports.
The Company is now one
of the first Spanish
companies to adapt to
the new standards
inaugurates a new deposit in Jablunkov (Czech Republic)
that will improve the service provided to thirteen thousand users
The new water deposit, built in the outskirts
of Jablunkov, near the Polish border, was in-
augurated and commissioned in the presen-
ce of the representatives of the towns of Ja-
blunkov, the easternmost part of the Czech
Republic, Jiří Cienciala, the Government re-
presentative for the Moravia and Silesia Re-
gion, and SmVak senior management.
The facilities are part of a major project con-
necting the towns in this region with the main
drinking water distribution system, wholesa-
le water from Ostrava and its corresponding
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) as well
as from the central sources of drinking wa-
ter (the Morávka, Šance and Kružberk water
From left to right: Anatol Pšenička, CEO of
SmVaK, Marek Síbrt, SmVaK’s Communications
Manager; Milan Koníř, Waterworks Manager;
and, Jiří Cienciala, the Czech Government’s re-
presentative in the Moravia-Silesia Region, du-
ring the inauguration of the deposit.
Thanks to the execution of this project,
about 13,000 people who until now used
underwater and ground surface sources of
water from the Beskydy Mountains will have
access to SmVaK0s supply network. Tra-
ditional resources provide insufficient flow
of water during draughts and, therefore, it
was often necessary to resort to provisio-
nal pumping stations or supply via cistern
trucks, as during last summer. Now, thanks
to the new system the population will be able
to, when necessary, have access to the Mo-
rávka water deposit or obtain water supply
from Slezská Harta and Kružberk reservoirs,
which are almost 100 kilometres away.
The event was
broadcast live in the
Czech Republic’s public
TV station
The event received wide media co-
verage given what it will contribute
to improving the quality of life of the
people who live in this region. The in-
auguration ceremony was broadcast
life by the ČT 24 news channel of the
Czech public TV station. SmVak’s re-
presentative had the chance to explain
the details of the project in an interview
that was broadcast in the local Ceska-
televize channel.