The Cañas–Liberia section of the Inter-
American highway, built by FCC Construc-
ción in Costa Rica, is now in operation. This
milestone completes the Mesoamerican
Corridor, the link between the protected
areas of Central America, and equips Costa
Rica with a route that will improve transport
and trade in the region.
The Inter-American Development Bank pro-
vided almost 127 million euros (140 million
dollars) of project financing. The Cañas – Li-
beria route forms part of the Inter-American
North highway as it passes through Cos-
ta Rica, measuring 50.61 kilometres long.
FCC used more than 50,000 tonnes of ce-
ment and nearly 500,000 m
of aggregates
to build it.
The President of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo
Solís Rivera, attended the opening cere-
mony along with the First Lady of the Re-
public, Mercedes Peñas. They were joined
by the Minister of Public Works and Trans-
port, Carlos Villalta, mayors Luis Fernando
completes the Cañas-Liberia section of
the Inter-American Highway, Costa Rica
The section forms part of
the Inter-American
North highway as it
passes through Costa
Rica, with a length of just
over 50 kilometres
Worth 127 million euros,
the Inter-American
Development Bank
financed the project
Mendoza, William Guido and Julio Viales,
the General Manager of the Inter-American
Development Bank, Gina Montiel, the Di-
rector of FCC Construcción in Latin Ameri-
ca, José María Torroja, and the Manager of
FCC Construcción in Costa Rica, Mauricio
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