BioSol project
achieves its first
milestone after two years of research
The first phase is being developed in the
Centre for New Water Technologies (CEN-
TA) in Seville at an anaerobic digestion unit
and has a treatment capacity of 13m
The second phase, which has a capacity
three times larger, will be carried out at the
El Toyo WWTP (Almería).
Co-funded by the European LIFE+ pro-
gram, the BioSol project’s objective is to
develop and test an innovative microalgae-
based wastewater treatment and reuse
system. The biomass generated produces
high value biofertilizers and/or biogas. The
projects makes it possible to compare FCC
Aqualia’s raceway technology with new tu-
bular photobioreactors developed by Helio-
pur. The project is to be implemented in two
Recovery cycle
The first phase, being developed in Centre
for New Water Technologies (CENTA) in
Seville will test the recovery of microalgae
generated in the production of biogas at an
anaerobic digestion unit with a treatment
capacity of 13 m
/day. The second one,
with a capacity three times larger, will be
carried out at the El Toyo (Almeria) WWTP
and, in this case, the recovery of microal-
gae will by means of enzymatic hydrolysis
for the production of biofertilizers, develo-
ped by the University of Almería.
Simultaneously, in order to confirm the te-
chnical viability of this technology in latitu-
des with less sunshine in order to optimise
operations in different climates, FCC Aqua-
lia has installed two raceway-type pilot re-
actors in Grado (Asturias).
The increasing operations in microalgae-
based systems, with ongoing projects in
Chiclana, Asturias, Seville and Almería, will
enable the company to develop a broad
and detailed database that will make it pos-
sible to market successfully this technolo-
gical, innovative, and sustainable solution,
making wastewater treatment a value-ge-
nerating enterprise.
The objective is to develop and test
a new microalgae-based wastewater treatment
and reuse system
From left to right:
Carlos Aragón,
from CENTA; the
chairman of IWA,
Helmut Kroiss; Frank
Rogalla, Aqualia’ s
Innovation and Tech-
nology manager; and
César Narváez, from
Award-winner at the
IWA LET 2016
The BioSol project poster won the
Best Poster Presentation Award
at the 13th edition of the IWA LET
2016 conference. A panel of 22 in-
ternational experts singled out the
poster, out of more than 200 pos-
ters from around the world, which
was produced by the consortium
FCC Aqualia and its partners delivered the follow-up report that
backs up the pre-financing of 40% of the total project.