and the newspaper
organized the “New Times
for Environment Management”
FCC Medio Ambiente, in collaboration with
the newspaper Levante, organized several
seminars on environmental management
to disseminate the division’s new policy in
the Valencia Autonomous Community and
to build bridges with local public entities.
The series of seminars on “New Times for
Environment Management” with two ses-
sions already having taken place, is the
result of the work carried out by FCC Me-
dio Ambiente’s Levante I Regional Branch
Office, headed by Salvador Otero, and the
managing director of Medio Ambiente,
Jordi Payet.
The first seminar featured Elena Cebrián,
Councilwoman for Agriculture, the Envi-
ronment, Climate Change and Rural Deve-
lopment of the Generalitat Valenciana. On
24 May, she gave a speech on the “New
Environment Policy of the Generalitat Va-
lenciana”. Ximo Puig, president of the Ge-
neralitat Valenciana was in charge of the
closing speech of the session that coun-
ted with the participation of more than 200
In this first seminar, Jordi Payet, managing
director of FCC Medio Ambiente, stressed
the fact that “preservation of the environ-
ment is one of the key pillars of FCC.” Pa-
yet mentioned the Citizen Services Group’s
pioneer implementation of new fuels and
hybrid an electric vehicles that minimise
the carbon footprint and reduce the noi-
se level of the company’s day-to-day ac-
tivities. “FCC is committed, in alignment
with the European Union, to reducing CO
emissions by at least 20% before 2020”.
Lastly, he also mentioned the Group’s 100
years’ experience in environmental mana-
gement currently endorsed by the fifteen
million people “to whom we provide our
services throughout the country”.
Juliá Álvaro, the secretary of the regional
government, Joan Piquer, the managing
director of Climate Change, the chairman
of the Valencia Federation of Municipalities
and Provinces and mayor of Elda (Alican-
te), Jorge Rodríguez, were amongst those
who participated and accompanied the
Councilwoman of Agriculture, Elena Ce-
brián and Jordi Payet in the second confe-
rence which was held on 5 July.
In his speech, Payet referred to the impor-
tance of municipalism as the “backbone of
public entities and the administration that
is closest to the community and, at the
same time, the one that tackles on a daily
basis the requirements and obligations of
cities in relation to the environment”.
The managing director of FCC Medio Am-
biente announced that “our core priorities
are underpinned by three key pillars: con-
nection with the community, smart servi-
ces, and a firm commitment.”
With the joint participation
of Group and collaborating
lity of life and the smartest services is one of
the challenges that FCC, jointly with public
entities, is currently addressing.
FCC Medio Ambiente, with more than 100
years’ experience, operates in major cities
and towns nationwide and around the world.
The most important sustainability challenges
are in cities and, as such, are the places for
developing innovative solutions that have a
significant and rapid impact.
FCC Medio Ambiente has an unwavering
goal: to be the leader in the design and ope-
ration of the best solutions for transforming
cities into more sustainable communities. To
this end, three essential pillars underpin our
core priorities: connection with the commu-
nity, innovation applied to smart services,
and firm commitment.