FCC Aqualia
wins new sanitation management contract in Llanes
and Ribadedeva (Asturias)
Consorcio de Aguas de Asturias (CADA-
SA) awarded FCC Aqualia a contract for
the operation, maintenance and upkeep of
the Public Sanitation Systems of Llanes and
Ribadedeva. The new contract represents a
portfolio of 3.9 million euros in the first four
years and contemplates annual extensions
of the contract up to the year 2026.
Since the population centres are very scat-
tered and there are several independent sa-
nitation systems, the contract is a complex
one. Wastewater from the central Llanes
shore, from Niembro to Cue, is treated at
fifteen pumping and spillway facilities and
at the Llanes wastewater treatment plant
(WWTP). Sanitation at the San Jorge Valley
comprises five pumping stations and the
San Jorge Valley WWTP. At Ribadedeva,
four pumping stations bring wastewater to
the La Franca WWTP. Twelve small facilities
handle the treatment of wastewater from the
rural areas of Llanes.
The Llanes WWTP is the most important
one. It treats wastewater from population
centres along the central shoreline. A chain
of several pumping stations brings raw wa-
ter from the sanitation network to the main
pumping station located in Llanes. From
there, water goes to the WWTP that has a
flow design of 8,500 m
/day, equivalent to a
population of 34,000 people.
The San Jorge Valley WWTP in San Antolín
de Bedón has a flow design of 3,866 m
equivalent to a population of 11,466 people.
The La Franca WWTP treats wastewater
from the towns of Colombres, Pimiango, El
Peral and La Franca, all belonging to Riba-
dedeva County and is designed to provide
services to a population equivalent to 5,000
inhabitants. The last system, in charge of
treating water from the rural areas of Llanes,
comprises twelve different types of facilities.
Thanks to this new contract, FCC Aqualia
will be treating wastewater equivalent to a
population of 60,000, thereby bolstering its
positioning in Asturias where it has been
providing services to 49 of the 78 counties
in the region.
Detail of the lamella decanters at the Llanes