The Group’s Board will
ensure compliance with
the policy through its
Executive Committee
Furthermore, the document brings to-
gether the values and principles of respon-
sible conduct that must be present in the
Group’s diverse actions. These include:
quality and innovation to work, properly
meeting the demands of our clients with
solutions, foresight and distinction; integri-
ty to act under ethical codes of conduct;
efficiency that helps to meet business ob-
jectives with resource optimization criteria;
and social proximity and commitment that
encompass the occupational wellbeing of
people within the Group and the wellbeing
of the communities where it operates.
Alignment with the objectives of the
United Nations
This CSR Policy also establishes the fun-
damental objective of defining the Group’s
priorities in the area of Corporate Social
Responsibility. FCC has aligned its priorities
with those of the United Nations Develo-
pment Agenda, which created a proposal
towards the end of 2015 setting out 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to
be achieved by 2030. Spain and 193 other
countries have committed to the goals.
The 17 SDGs define the new challenges,
including the fight against poverty and en-
vironmental protection, with the aim of ha-
ving UN member States improve the lives
of thousands of people around the world by
means of a public-private alliance, compri-
sing different governments, NGOs, compa-
nies and citizens.
Socially responsible conduct
Under the alignment with the goals of the
United Nations and within the Group’s CSR
Policy, FCC has established three priorities
regarding its socially responsible conduct.
The first of these priorities is the connec-
tion with citizens, when establishing objec-
tives that provide greater knowledge and
understanding of the needs of citizens and
public administrations, to subsequently
promote with them actions that improve
the development of cities and minimise the
impact of their activities.
The second priority relates to smart services
to drive innovation and quality initiatives for
designing the best sustainable solutions for
mitigating and adapting to climate change,
as well as the extension of positive social
impacts and contribution to local develop-
ment. The third priority regards exemplary
performance, establishing objectives that
improve the control and supervision of its
own conduct, as well as that of its suppliers
and contractors, and is geared towards the
protection of FCC personnel.