FCC Board
approves the Group’s CSR
policy for the sustainable
development of its activities
The commitment to
ethics, the environment,
and the contribution of
value to society in all of
its business activities
and the areas where it
operates are the key
pillars of this policy.
The Board of Directors of FCC has appro-
ved the Group’s Corporate Social Respon-
sibility (CSR) Policy that sets out an action
framework for the sustainable development
of its business activities. This Policy is appli-
cable to the entire Group. Under this poli-
cy, FCC meets the recommendations of the
Spanish National Securities Commission
(CNMV), which require the Company’s hig-
hest governing body to approve a policy of
socially responsible commitment.
In particular, the Policy approved by the FCC
Board establishes the Group’s commitment
to ethics, environmental protection and the
contribution of value to society in all of its bu-
siness activities and in all of the geographical
areas in which it operates.