In keeping with its sustainable develop-
ment policy, rational management of re-
sources, and the search for innovative so-
lutions that contribute to the preservation
of the environment, FCC has implemen-
ted an energy management system at its
Las Tablas (Madrid) headquarters based
on ISO-50001 standard.
The system requires the measurement of
energy consumption at the various faci-
lities so that, in the event that an unex-
pected increase is detected, the reasons
behind such increase are identified and
measures are implemented subsequently
with the aim of improving energy perfor-
During the 2014-2015 period, FCC was
able to improve the energy efficiency at
its headquarters, significantly reducing
the consumption of natural gas and elec-
tricity. The energy efficiency measures im-
plemented during the 2014-2015 period
were as follows:
FCC improves
the energy performance of its
Las Tablas (Madrid) headquarters
Natural Gas and Electricity results in the 2014-2015
Optimising lighting and air-conditio-
ning equipment.
Installing meters for measuring the
main points of energy consumption.
Optimising power capacity.
Replacing equipment with other en-
hanced efficiency equipment (LED
lighting at the parking facilities, halls,
and lifts).
Thanks to these measures, it was possi-
ble to reduce CO2 emissions by 27% and
4%, respectively.
Gas Natural
Energía Eléctrica